How to unlock your inner fire and vitality with simple ancient yoga postures
Discover your true vitality through corepower yoga and create heat in your body that will enhance your digestion, your mood, your overall strength, your concentration and it will give you a brilliant skin with a luminous expression.
All these attributes and more can be created with a practice to empower your core.
When we approach core work as a practice of cultivating self-understanding, self-acceptance, and even self-love, it has the potential to empower our yoga practices and our lives.
I love to see the deeper connection of every part of our body with the mind and soul. So I try to show my students that working with the asanas is not just exercise but it will have an effect on your mind and it may change you attitude towards life. Creating a strong core is associated with a strong will, courage and self-confidence.
So try these corepower yoga asanas to feel the heat for yourself.
1. Moving from the downward looking dog into the mountain climber pose
With every inhalation take the knee to the arm and exhaling bring the leg back again. Then change legs. Repeat this 15- 20 times.
2. From the plank into the side plank
Try to extend one arm to the sky and the other one is just vertical under the shoulder. Keep the core stable and the legs straight. Stay strong on the side of one foot. Hold this asana for 10 breaths and then come back to plank with the exhalation and change sides.
After that have a small rest with cat and cow poses.
3. From Downward looking dog jump through your arms and extend your legs. Then try to lift them.
You may use a towel to move your legs forward and backward to build strength before lifting them. With the exhalation sit down and rest and repeat three times.
4. Lie down and lift legs and arms at the same time.
Hold a block between your hands to keep them more stable. Hold the asana for 20 seconds, then rest and repeat two times more.
5. Finish with a nice boat
Hold the legs as straight and high as you can. Keep this posture about 20 seconds. Embrace your knees without touching the floor with the feet and repeat the boat extending the legs again.
After that relax in Savasana for as long as you like.