Today I want to share my experience with the 21 Day Abundance Meditation Challenge of Deepak Chopra. I want to tell you my impression of it and I want to share the challenge itself with you, so you can do it for yourself. I have been invited to the challenge by a friend and she shared the audios and texts via Whatsapp with me.
I loved Deepak Chopras voice from the beginning on and I enjoyed his guided meditations a lot. I was not really used to guided meditations as I usually meditate on my own. I have a daily meditation practice of around 30 minutes for some years now and it is a fix part of my life. And still I fell in love with these easy but very profound meditations and exercises. I can only recommend it to everyone, independent if you are a beginner or you have experience, this challenge can give you some energetic push in your life.
During this challenge you are asked to create your own Abundance Group and I created one via Whatsapp. This was a very interesting experience as well and served me as a good study of the human mind and the challenges that may arise for a beginner or any other person when meditating. I started the group with 18 people and only the half of it finished the challenge. The most common obstacles the mind created to leave the meditation, where time priorities and resistance to hidden emotions, that appear while meditating. Then the person cannot find the time for these 15 minutes of meditation because other things seem more important in that moment and it is difficult to slow down and just sit and look inside. It is indeed a strange feeling when you are not used to it and your mind will tell you that this is boring and that you are doing nothing and maybe it associates being still with sleeping.
So if you pass this first resistance and start looking inside yourself and observing your thoughts and feelings you may quickly find many hidden emotions that have accumulated over time. Actually all these energies are very happy that you are finally looking at them and may start to rise up very fast. You have to be very patient with yourself to deal with them and this is not easy of course and if you resist to this flow of emotions, it may become a very painful process. That was the explanation of some other persons who quit the challenge. They were not ready to deal with all these emotions. And this is ok. Everyone has to find his or her own rhythm.
Now I will post for you the exercises of the first week and give you the link to the meditations that you find in my “Audio” page. Don’t be confused when the exercises mention a group because I got these messages in form of a Whatsapp group, but you are doing it on your own unless you decide to create your own group. It is really in your own interest to go one by one and not trying to jump or do more than asked in one day. Give yourself the time to enjoy the process of these meditations and exercises and keep your mind focused and patient.
So let’s start! Have fun and be blissed!
*DAY 1*
Welcome to DAY 1 of the 21 day abundance challenge by Deepak Chopra !
I’m very excited and happy to do this challenge with you!
Every day of this challenge there will be a meditation and an exercise.
Of course every day, the biggest challenge is that you need to go beyond your boundaries. We are choosing to do this in a group container because of the accountability factor. We are able to do at the practice every day and to support one another with our presence, and with the fact that we are all in this together.
When you set your intention for the next 21 days, also put your intention on abundance of time, of joy, and abundance of inner strength. Also call forth your vital force and your breath.
Set your intention that you will be able to complete this challenge for the entire 21 day. Not only the practices but all the challenges in whatever form they take.
As with any activity or new endeavor, there will be ups and downs and times you need to push through more, just know that and ride the wave and trust each other here that everything that happens will be harmonious and we will grow both individually and as a group.
Thanks again for being here
Make sure you’re giving yourself enough focused time, in a quiet, peaceful space to listen to the meditation. It takes more or less 15 minutes
*Today’s Exercise*
*Make a list of 50 people who have influenced your life in any way, big or small.*
It could be one word, a book, a teaching.
Dive through your life and bring those people in.
Write the name of the person and write down name of the people who touched you and the circumstance.
You are accountable for your own pace.
*Please make sure that you complete the exercises and meditations everyday.
*Remember, you have 24 hours to complete each challenge.
All the best!!!
Listen to the meditation audio first before doing the written excercise.
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*DAY 2*
Welcome to Day 2 of the abundance challenge!
*Today’s task is to write a list, no matter the number, of people in your family and social circle that you feel have achieved their goals in life and are happy.*
This can be in terms of any aspect of their life.
Today’s inspirational quote: Learning from mistakes is a great lesson for growth.
Be sure to make the appropriate sacred space needed to let the energies anchored within you. your attention, light and heart wishes will support the energy to be awaken with in you.
Please note this assignment is also to be completed within 24hrs.
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*DAY 3*
Dear Friends,
Welcome to *Day 3* of the Abundance Challenge!
Today's activity is a very interesting activity. For many of you, today’s assignment will truly bring you to the edge of your comfort zone. You have an awesome opportunity to make a big stretch!
Today’s motto:
I’m on the way of a positive day, full of Love and Prosperity.
• Today’s task works with the law of giving and receiving.
• The law of the movement of energy. The energy that’s standing still does not flow to bring us back more energy in return.
Today’s task is a decisive junction in this journey and I’m seriously hoping that you’ll persist with it.
*You’re now in charge with forming your own Abundance Group*
It is not about how many members will be there - clearly the more the better, but minimum 3 is enough.
You’ll have the mission each day to pass on the guidance from Day 1 to the end of the 21 days to at least 3 people because 3 is the smallest group you can form.
Feel free to reach me if you have any difficulties with the technical aspects of this. (it is not complex to resolve those things) or any other things.
Guidance for setting up your group:
1. Name the Group – 21 Days of Abundance
2. Choose a photo for a profile picture that is representative of Abundance to you.
3. Invite your friends to participate before you add them to the Group.
4. Using WhatsApp is an easy way to recreate this. You can create a link for people to be able to join themselves, and then you can revoke the link when the group closes.
Invitation: It is important to explain the Group’s intention and make it clear that they will have daily tasks and deadlines for delivery.
Clearly- they should be willing to participate.
To facilitate, you can take advantage of the previous messages that I posted like rules, exercises, etc, with a touch of your personality.
Remember that you will have to make the postings daily and follow the people who have been doing the tasks.
It doesn't take too long, especially if you organize it in advance. And it is important to be clear you will follow through with the 21 days with your group.
This task for some can be frightening, for the extra commitment in the life full of tribulations but, mainly, for the ego and its fear of rejection, or in silent competition with its own representation. Observe whatever is coming up for you in relationship to this challenge, and ask yourself if any of the “reasons” you might not want to do it have ever blocked abundance from your life in the past.
Challenge yourself. Have courage. And connect to the feeling that you will have knowing that so many dear friends can stretch to more opening and abundance in their life.
Allow your love to expand as you feel it can contribute to people’s development. I truly hope that you will make this stretch.
*By completing this you are saying to yourself*
I am completely ready to open up to abundance
To let larger streams of life to pass through me
I have the space
I am the space
In case you choose to remove yourself from the group, there are no hard feelings about it.
We have many people in the group who are doing their best and stretching themselves to shift their consciousness, the group rhythm and containment is essential.
For those who are creating the group here is further information:
• You have today to create the group.
• Tomorrow will be Day 0 of your group.
• Day after tomorrow will be Day 1 of your group.
• Revoke the link of your group before you post the activity of Day 1.
So it means today, you have to
1. Create your group,
2. Fill it with min 3 people (not counting yourself)
3. Become the facilitator for the abundance challenge
4. Screenshot and post here
5. Your group's challenge starts tomorrow.
You may use the messages posted here and to you as reference. Copy paste and edit the timing is fine. If you need assistance in setting up the group, do ask :)
Hope all of you will complete today's Day 3 activity and continue with this wonderful 21 Days Abundance Challenge.
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*DAY 4*
Great Job everyone!
Welcome to *Day 4* of the 21 Day Abundance Challenge !
Today's activity is as follows:
*Write in your notebook a list of all your financial debt and monthly expenses: credit card, personal loans, direct debits, etc.*
*Write also all your year expenses and unusual payment that you are aware of.*
You do not need to write down the values, only to who the debt is, e.g. rent, car loan, electricity bill, credit card, school, etc.
Everything you have to pay on a monthly basis needs to be included (water, electricity, internet…). All the monthly expenses.
Extra tip: When you are doing this assignment, breath, and release from yourself the burden you feel concerning each of that debts.
Hold the space of living debt free.
Remember that money is potential energy, call your potential back home to you.
*For those of you who might give your potential energy away and have other people in owning your money. Pray to let go of that too.*
All debts are a result of self-value issues being tested.
Do the practice and hold the space that you are worthy to be as you are.
There is nothing else you need to be!
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*DAY 5*
Welcome to *Day 5* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Here we are with another amazing day, and I am as excited as you are. I am assuming that after feeling established with your group, you are already well anchored in this 21 days abundance challenge.
Today, we have fun assignment that goes with the meditation:
*Today You are a Money Creator!*
Doesn't matter if you have debts or not, take paper and colour pencils and call upon the money energy to clear and cover those bills.
Draw a cheque, a letter, a card, or a transfer proof(anyone you feel like). Put an amount of whichever your heart desire and feel that your debts are paid and expenses are easy to afford.
Bring out your creativity and use colour, drawings, whatever your heart feels like. Download cheques and write to yourself or even payment to others things or people. Feel the freedom of being able to pay off everything and even more. Celebrate Richness!!!
I wish you a super pleasant creation mode.
Connect to your higher self and the guides, to expand your vision without illusion. Call upon Masters, Angel
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*DAY 6*
Welcome to *Day 6* of the 21 Day Abundance Challenge!
It is an amazing day today. I'm sensing that you're feeling alive and alert, by gifting yourself with abundance, and going through additional empowerment with helping the people in your group to expand!
Today's assignment is a long assignment in terms of time, and for me, one of the most powerful:
Today, you write A New Contract With Abundance.
Here is the recommended text as it was passed from the Chopra Center (as far as I know):
"I, (your full name), today (put the day and date when you write the contract) start to create a new relationship with money. Money is good, clean and useful for my growth, satisfaction, and well-being. Money brings positive things in my life.
The success that I have will bring money and wealth for me and for those close to me. I deserve to be prosperous and have plenty of money.
Money is my friend and the value of what I invest on increases every day. Success and money accompany me, here and now.
I ask my ancestors who had difficulty due to lack of money, to bless me and to give me permission to live differently. And I ask my prosperous ancestors to inspire me."
You can add whatever words you feel are appropriate in this contract and modify it as you feel like. Sign and date the contract once you complete it. You are called to write your final version 4 times.
I would also recommend that you will read it out loud once you have finished writing it.
Have Fun!!!
NOTE: Use positive phrases. Omit words like don't, no, etc....
Eg: don't run= walk slowly
*DAY 7*
Welcome to *Day 7* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today we complete one week of this group!
I am happy to feel your joy and connection. These commitments and new agreements are powerful tools to support your mindset. They can support you to make the leap of faith that you long for.
I am so happy to continue on this journey with you and feel your joy.
I know you can feel shifts by now and that by itself gives motivation. I also know that the entire challenge feels more comfortable.
*Today's assignment:*
Make a list of people (only their name, the surname does not matter) that you somehow feel that they take away energy from you.
Maybe you have obsessive thoughts about them, unresolved emotions, feelings of revenge, hurt feelings, unspoken words, any type of discomfort counts.
You can repeat some names from the list of *Day 1*, but do not get into conflict, we are talking about energy.
They can be people near or far from you now, alive or dead, the important thing is what you feel about them.
Recall and feel why you added their name, to this list. After you create the list, write a blessing to each one of them, a specific blessing, from your heart to his or her heart.
Just 3 names are enough.
*DAY 8*
Welcome to *DAY 8* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
We are now beginning *Week 2* of the challenge! I am happy to see the enthusiasm and energy with which you are completing the activity and the meditation everyday!
Today’s assignment takes us again to relate to our expenses and income.
Find at least 5 receipts or invoices in which you have invested in yourself, and write on each one:
Receipts of any kind: supermarket, restaurant, personal items, car expenses, health, hairdresser, travel, etc.
From now on, whatever you buy, you can write this statement on the receipt or receipt or bill if you want to.
*Remember that words have power!*
*DAY 9*
Welcome to *DAY 9* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge* !
Blissful day to all of us! May we feel the flow, vitality and endless love in all, today and every day!
Day 9 is a *self-recognition* day.
You are called to look at and make a list of 5 things that you think are limiting you. Look at your attitude, your behaviours, thoughts, patterns, emotions, self-care style, belief system and other things that can be there to sabotage your wishes and don't allow you to get what you really want, both materially and not materially.
Look at yourself in a compassionate way. You are not supposed to feel bad because of it, rather look at these issues with a responsible and aware way. That will start to transform those limitations into a door opener.
Try to concentrate and go as deep as you can. Feel in your heart what these limitations really are. It is an important practice!
With it, listen to today's meditation. If you are able to listen to it 3 times - that will be a gift! It starts a wave of teaching about effortless creation.
Wishing you a blissful day!
*DAY 10*
Welcome to *Day 10* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
How does it feel?
It seems you are stable and happy in the practice and I am sure that it feels good!
Today's practice is to complete the practice you started on *Day 9*.
Of the 5 issues you’ve listed in Activity 9, choose 2 which you want to transform. Write what can you do for each to improve in a general way and in a practical way. Put it into practice this week!
Have a blissful day!
*DAY 11*
Welcome to *Day 11* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today the task is connected to your mother.
You are called to check in with your mother. If your mother is not in this dimension anymore, do a deep meditation, connect with her and talk about your feelings.
*Describe your MOTHER:*
1. The positive aspects
2. The negative side
3. What do you learn from her?
4. What does she add to you?
5. What does she take away from you?
6. What are her dreams?
7. What is her strongest disappointment?
Deep powerful work, as our parents are our gate to abundance in our physical world!
Have a great day!0 Guides and whoever you resonate with.
Remember to share here in the group when you complete the activity.
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*DAY 12*
Welcome to *Day12* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
So happy to see all of you enjoying and learning from all of these activities and meditations!
Today's activity is connected to yesterday's.
Go back in time and feel your home, your mum and dad. They lived in a totally different environment than you. Their understanding of money came from a totally different background.
The parents of most of us here were part of or spent at least their childhood in the industrial time. (Whether they were participating or rebelling.)
Working hard and hard work was a real experience. Making money was something that required a lot of wisdom in various colours, or luck, or both. They needed to go through a period of austerity.
Your children will have a completely different money experience. It will not look the same physically, mentally and emotionally.
A high percentage of the teenagers these days have their own stream on money and a large bank account with revenues from their own business. For them, money is indeed liquid!
Today check within and make a list of the following:
1. What you have learned from your parents and family about money?
2. What you have learned you needed to do to in order have money?
3. What are the thought forms you inherit?
4. What you know by now is wrong?
5. What do you still obey?
Wishing you blissful revelations!
*DAY 13*
Congratulation for being consistent with the exercise.
We are now entering day 13 days of the challenges
Welcome to *Day 13* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Today's practice is still in the mum and dad domain.
Reflect, referring to the task on *Day 11*. See characteristics and patterns you have that resemble or relate to your mother or not.
Clearly, some characteristics or patterns we inherit, and others are from our nature.
See what characteristics of your mother you rejected and what you might love to embrace today.
This is a call for awareness because the way that you live can be a strong result of your heritage (what was passed down) or an aware outcome of what you have received.
Blissful day to you all amazing people!
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*DAY 14*
Welcome to *DAY 14* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today you complete 2 weeks of the challenge! I am really glad to see that you're enjoying this challenge and that it is helping you.
*Today's activity:*
Write on your notebook the following questions:
1. What are my talents?
2. How can I give that to the world?
Give space underneath the questions for the universe to fill up. Write the answers as per the guidance that you receive from the Universe. At the end of the day go back to the notebook and see if you feel you have learned something new about yourself.
Tune to this assignment during the entire day and stay open to receive any guidance from the universe.
Wishing you all a lovely day!
*DAY 15*
Welcome to *Day 15* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
You are beginning the third and final week of this challenge!
Today's assignment is *awareness*.
All you need to do is to ask the universe to send you signs and symbols to support your evolutionary process and your connection to your self, your life, your mission.
At the end of the day write the messages that arrived from the universe.
Have a great day!
*DAY 16*
Welcome to *Day16* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today is all about *Gratitude*, the glory of creation!
Today you stop several times during the day and recognize all the good and positive things that you have in life, all the beauty that surrounds you and is within you. The glory of creation.
Today, try to listen to the meditation as soon as possible.
During the day find as many things as possible to be grateful for. Make an endless list of things that you are grateful for - the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual things. Small things and big things, obvious or mysterious. Things that when you address your attention to them, you are filled with joy and gratitude.
Wishing you a wonderful day full of gratitude, bliss and glory!
*Day 17*
Welcome to *Day 17* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today, you are diving into the essence of existential confidence and the lightness of being. Living while knowing that all is safe, and there is no place for worries and fearful concerns.
For that, bring your attention during the day to things that cost nothing and have the value of gold!
What gives you strength, life force, vitality, immense joy, and inner confidence?
Connect to this and feel deeply into it. Make a list of whatever it is for you and anchor and reconnect to it at an even greater level, within you.
These are the roots of bliss!
Wishing you a beautiful and delightful day!
* DAY 18*
Welcome to *Day18* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today is about your freedom to be the one you are: free, simple, authentic, true to yourself, free of any judgment, or trying to answer to another’s expectation. Freedom to *Be You*!
Today's assignment is to recall 3 situations in your life where you feel or felt the freedom to simply *BE YOU*! Write them and describe them in details.
Awaken this sensation in you and note to yourself what are the conditions, if at all, in which you allow yourself to be in that space of *Being You*.
Wishing you a blissful day!
*DAY 19*
Welcome to *Day 19* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Today is a day of *LOVE*, and within it - *Self-Love* as an expression of abundance.
Your assignment for today is to look at your life, the people in your life, and yourself, all with the eyes of love.
In your notebook today, write to yourself:
1. I love ....... (those things) in me
2. I love that I am......(thing you see and recognize in yourself)
3. I love that I have ....
4. I love that I an able to....
5. I love the way I am....
Write at least 10 things for each.
Have a great day!
*DAY 20*
Welcome to *Day 20* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
We are 2 days toward the end! Do the best you can to do today and tomorrow activities on time please and enjoy!
The "magic" that *Dr. Deepak Chopra* composed here is based on the fact that a group of people is saying the same mantra for 21 days. The way you log yourself to the group, again and again, is by confirming every day that you have done your assignment.
Today's activity is sweet and powerful.
First, after the listening give yourself 12 minutes for pure pleasure, pamper yourself with things you love and enjoy and feel completely worthy to receive it!
After that, write in your notebook: what are the things that make you feel well treated, luxurious?
GO OUT OF WHAT YOU KNOW and even what you might judge and allow yourself to dream and sense it in your body and sensations.
*ENJOY* today’s practice and feel how worthy you are to all that you wish for and much more!
Wishing you an empowering and loving day!
*DAY 21*
Welcome to *Day 21* of the *21 Day Abundance Challenge*!
Thank you for joining this challenge and doing the activities and meditations everyday!
I am very happy that I was able to bring these activities and meditations to you.
I congratulate you on completing this challenge!
Today you are just one step away from completing this challenge! On completing today's activity and meditation, you will reach an important milestone on your journey of abundance!
*Remember, your journey of abundance isn't over, it has just begun!*
*Today's activity:* Send on this group a video or a written message (prefably a video) describing your experience of these *21 Days of Abundance Challenge* (your feelings, observations, what has changed in you and outside you, etc.).
Also, please include a description of what you do in life, what you can offer or ideas and projects you have. This is important because in this group there may be people interested in what you do, in the services you offer or in your ideas/projects. Be creative and abundant when you describe yourself.
If you don't feel like making a video you can leave your testimony written here on the group, even if it would be nice to see ALL YOUR FACES and the expressions of Joy in describing this moment!
One more thing. Have you heard about the 7 wealth activators?
🔸 Giving out
🔸 Giving away
🔸 Giving up
🔸 Giving in
🔸 Giving thanks
🔸 Giving to yourself
🔸 Forgiving
Everything is energy and it has to circulate in order to bring you abundance back.
Based on the law of reciprocity…
Flow = Affluence
Current = Currency
Keep your channels open so your energy can flow and stay tuned because challenges do come - they will help you to grow even more.
This is your year. Your future is in your hands. You make it every day with your choices and decisions, in the way how you spend your time, the people you hang out with and how you feel every single moment.
Awareness… gratitude… grace
Happy meditation and exercise to all you Beautiful Souls!