Yoga can alleviate your menstrual cramps immediately and after some years of practice you can be free of pain at all.
When I started with yoga I had just "normal" cramps during my menstruation. I had to take some pain killer pills sometimes and I thought that this is normal. When I practiced more regularly I noticed after some month, that my cramps were not that intense anymore. Also the PMS syndromes decreased and my whole cycle became more regular.
Today I would notice just a small pressure in my uterus when it starts and during the first day when the cleansing is strongest. I don't need pills anymore and I am thankful for my moon blood as a natural reset of my organism and I experience these days as especially good ones for deep meditation and very honest introspection.
I noticed that most of the menstrual cramps come from shortened and stiff pelvic muscles. When your uterus wants to release the old lining it has to move softly and if your pelvic muscles are blocking this movement this may lead to cramps. Through yoga asanas and pranayama you are stretching your pelvic muscles and relaxing them constantly. The blood flow in the whole area will be better, your hip bones more neutral and your spine and lower back are stronger and more relaxed at the same time.
I don't need pills anymore and I am thankful for my moon blood as a natural reset of my organism and I experience these days as especially good ones for deep meditation and very honest introspection.
There are already several studies and books about hormone yoga and the effects of asanas on your hormonal glands. That explains the regulating effects of the whole cycle and the emotional stability you gain with the time. My husband is very happy with that as I have nearly no sudden changes of moods anymore, especially not shortly before or during the blood.
Later in this post I will show you a short sequence of asanas that I found helpful for my uterus.
Sesame oil and a mineral rich diet complement your yoga practice
But before I want to tell you some more factors that I noticed that helped me decreasing my menstrual cramps. Complementary to the yoga practices I started as well studying the science of ayurveda and I found some helpful tips there as well. One discovery I made and that has become inseparable is sesame oil. Ayurveda says that this oil has many benefits for our whole body and rejuvenates the cells and is a strong antioxidant. In relation to the menstrual cycle I want to underline the fact that it nourishes our menstrual liquids and tissues or Artava Dhatu in Sanskrit. It also softens the tissues of the uterus and makes the evacuation of the liquids more easy. It is also used traditionally for the woman before giving birth to prepare the whole pelvis to open easier. So I usually use this oil especially some days before my blood to give my pelvic area a nice and generous massage. Also applying it directly on the yoni or genitals and especially inside has many health benefits and is also a great practice if you are experiencing any kind of dryness in that zone. In other posts I will write about the very beneficial practice of the ayurvedic self-massage, that is an extensive topic for itself.
Another important factor for your menstrual wellbeing is the diet. I don't want to go to much into nutritional details but just outline that the muscles and other tissues need minerals and vitamins to relax and move properly. So to get these micro nutrients your diet should be rich in vegetables, fruits, natural cereals and legumes. These are the basics of the ayurvedic diet. Whether you feel well with animal protein from meat, fish, dairy and eggs depends on your personal constitution and should not be the discussion in this post. I feel very well as a vegetarian and I think leaving the meat was another factor that helped me decreasing my cramps but in my experience the yoga practice has a stronger effect on it, as I felt more pain some months when I did not practice regularly but still followed the vegetarian diet.
So here is my sequence for you. I recommend you to do it every day during the last week before the blood and also during the blood. If you are not sure how to do the poses consult a yoga teacher and your physician or other health care professional before starting this.
1. Start to warm up with 6 sun salutations, Surya Namaskar
2. Prasarita Padottanasana / Deep forward bend
Go down with the exhalation and just hang there with the hands on the flor or at your feet. You may bend your knees at the beginning. You may swing you upper body softly from one side to the other. Important is that you feel your pelvis relaxing and creating space in your hips and stretching softly the legs and lower back. Breathing deeply and after 10 breath coming up with the next inhale.
3. Malasana / Garland Pose
Exhaling come down. If your heels don't touch the ground you can separate more your feet. If this still does not help, don't worry by the time they go down. Try to maintain the back straight and the hands in namaste. 10 breath and then come up with the next inhalation.
4. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana / Bridge Pose
Lay down and put the feet next to your gluteus. With the next inhalation lift your hips and stay there as high as you are comfortable. Join the hands under your hips and breath deeply to your chest. Try to hold the posture as long as you can. Then come down softly with the exhalation and embrace your knees to relax the lower back.
5. Ananda Balasana / Happy Baby Pose
Catch your feet or big toes and let your knees go down to the ground. Your shoulders stay on the flor. Breath deep and you may roll around and move back and forward or to the sides like a happy baby. Play and feel how your hips are softening.
6. Gomukhasana / Cow face
Sit with extended legs and bend one first with the heel next to your hip and the bend the other one. If this is hard for you just place the sole of the foot of the upper leg flat on the ground. Then you try to catch your hands behind your back. The arm of the side of the bottom leg is the one going up. If you can not catch your hands you can use a strap or a sock. Stay 10 breaths and then change sides.
7. Knee to chest twist and Savasana
Lay down and extend the arms to the sides and lift your knees to your chest. Then with the next exhalation let them drop to one side and your head to the opposite site. Stay there for 10 breaths. Inhale to the center and exhale to the other side. 10 breaths. Then inhale to the center and extend your legs to Savasana. Stay there as long as you want.